Saturday, December 17, 2005

Recording: D Day+2

Friday, December 16, 2005. by Anthony
Today started off early with coffees and some down time in the studio. I tuned the piano while Vince and Ben discussed several issues regarding the upcoming song. While we awaited Eric and Beau's arrival from Atlanta we started to make a tempo map for one of the album's most intricate songs (tentatively entitled "Epic"). This is what we looked like during the labor intensive process of beat mapping...

Eric and Beau arrived early in the evening and we ate burritos and then got down to business at around 8:30 pm. We have been trying to start early and finish early in the studio, however we ended up having a really late night. The drums for "Epic" took over 5 hours with a single 5 minute break somewhere around 12 am. I am glad that I do not play drums for From Exile!
Eric brought his computer into the studio and set it up so he can reference his demos while recording the guitar parts. Here is a photo of him and his setup:

Ben and Eric took turns playing the scratch guitar along with Vince during the night-long event. Here is what that looks like:

As I mentioned earlier, we did take a short break to blow off some steam, and this is how we do that:

HAHA! here it is again with no flash:
Sorry, no blogsclusive video today, maybe tomorrow. Peace out.


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