Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Back in Black

Wednesday, December 28th, 2005 by Vince

It's December 28th and we return to the studio for the home stretch of recording the album. The morning could not have started off worse, as Ben encountered ear problems and Eric awoke to vomiting for hours upon end. No heavy partying took place last night, so we suspect he ate a nasty oyster the previous day at his family's oyster roast hoe-down in Bluffton, SC. Vince and Ben left Eric to recuperate and headed to the studio to perform some minor changes and adjustments in the rythym and bass tracks. Eric pulled through like a starship trooper and made it to the studio in the late afternoon, where we discussed issues regarding the upcoming session and awaited the arrival of Mary Exile, who will be performing cello on the record. While we waited, we honed our skills on the elusive hacky sack, and watched funny videos on the internet. Here is a photo of us hacking that was snapped just as Mary arrived:

After a dinner break, we returned to the studio and prepared to record cello. Eric helped Mary with her parts by jamming on the keyboard:

Eric and Mary prepare for the onslaught of METAL!!

After much discussion of cello parts, we set up microphones and began to experiment with different sounds. Ben anticipates the need for a squeegie in the studio, as the sound is amazing. Tomorrow morning we will begin bright and early, and plan to finish all cello tracks, as Mary leaves on friday. Let's wail!!


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